Saturday, June 13, 2015


Re-reading my blog from 2013 is both inspiring and sad. Inspiring that I took that broken body and became a triathlete, sad that I was in the shape I was and so scared. So badly affected by fibro and pain and obstacles that summer. I mean, a stolen bike and a busted knee, AND a lost contact through the swim, AND fibro? Come on!

Why did I decide to sign up again? Hell, I don't know. To prove that I still could? Maybe! This time, I signed up for a Sprint, because, in all honesty, the International just wasn't fun for me. The day of was a strange blend of magic and misery, and in the end, I just want to have more fun with the experience. Half the distance will be awesome, fun, and something I know I can do considering I've done twice the distance in the past.

Some things are different and some things are the same. I have really been doing the best I can to take care of my body the past two years. Health foods and clean eating and supplements I didn't know about in 2013. I've been off artificial sweetener for over 2 years now, and all the nerve pain I had? It's decreased by maybe 85-90%. Insane. It still comes and goes but the lightening is so much less.

Here we go.